The Blessing and the Curse of the Entrepreneurial Mindset

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Teetering between bursts of excitement of possibilities and the results gap that imparts doubt in ones pursuit, describes the day in the life of an entrepreneur. The creative knows no boundaries, but with societal norms, doubt becomes the nemeses to infinite possibilities. I’m sharing this mindset with you now because this is my life now. For my associates and followers, they may wonder why I feel this way as I appear to have it all together. To my close associates, guides and mentors, you know the backstage turmoil that goes into showing up day after day being the voice of positivity and possibilities.

The truth is all I can control is the outward persona that I want to impart onto the world. I know that if I am persistent and positive, I might inspire others to keep their chin up and know there are better days ahead. However, I can’t help but feel I’ve not been fully transparent with my audience and hence I give a false sense of success to you and for that I am sorry.

What is true however, is I wake up everyday with an abundant mindset, sprinkled with a bit of doubt; but may be it’s discomfort with not knowing what will happen. I have a coach; well maybe three and a mentor to boot to help me through this mindset challenge. Yes, I am positive about every bit of content I put out there each day and I know I’m helping some people; but how many evades me. It is blind faith I go out each day to post something that hopefully inspires; not knowing if anyone out there cares.

The joy comes when I casually meet with you or receive a comment that says ‘Deb, I’ve been watching your content and this is what I liked’. This is joy to my ears and gives me pause to realize I am making an impact. With some proper coaching (and a few tears), I have to be happy with just that. It’s what makes us as entrepreneurs a special breed; trying to make an impact on the world and forever being in pursuit of more.

My coaching is helping me to be just fine with the present. In order to help my mindset shift, I do have one ask of you. If you’ve gotten to this point in my post and have a few moments; I would love some feedback; what to continue, what to start and / or what should I change. But more importantly, has my work had any impact on you and if so, how. Your feedback is immensely helpful and I will seek to help you in anyway I can.

There, I’ve put it out there that this journey is about the mindset shifts and turns in pursuit of having greater impact. The conundrum that I have to realize is the journey is now and not the end game, but how I impact you and others now. Now is all we have and to celebrate each moment we have an opportunity to impart insights and positivity as we navigate our complex lives.

Many thanks for your time and again, if you have any feedback on my work and the impact you have felt, I am most grateful to you.

Until we meet, be well!




Deb Coviello, The Drop In CEO

Known as The Drop In CEO™, Deb’s superpower is lowering the temperature and elevating conversations with empathy and patience. As a speaker, author, podcaster, and consultant, she teaches C-Suite leaders how to establish a “Lift, Light, Lead” environment and create calm amidst chaos or crisis. She is the author of “The CEO’s Compass: Your Guide to Get Back on Track,” and, “The NEW CEO Playbook: Stop Chasing Results and Start Pursuing Peace of Mind.” Her long-running podcast, The Drop-In CEO, is in the top 1.5% globally among Apple podcasts.