“Managing Up” became my tool of choice to connect with this C-Suite Leader and align on the challenges and the treatment going forward.

Once we aligned on a go-forward game plan, they came into my ecosystem again and quickly realized we lacked some fundamental ways of working and accessible resources to move the initiative forward.

Once they could observe first hand the conditions were not conducive to getting the desired result, their leadership came through to address the conditions.

The change in their energy and the clarity that came to the team on next steps forward were magical!

By addressing the conditions that were barriers of progress, we may have solved this issue and many others; ultimately getting to more efficient, effective and sustainable results.

When I saw the clarity in the team and an action that made sense, I was starting to feel peace of mind we would get to a better place.

I can only hope that with time and “Managing Up”, this leader will also see and feel “Peace of Mind”, where barriers are broken down and the team can operate at top performance. In doing so, the customers will gain back trust.

So why do leaders still use the old playbook? Maybe they know no other way? Maybe they trust it so much that if they push harder, it will still work? That’s insanity as we know it and only the highly aware leader will pursue a different way of working.

In recent weeks, several of you have come to me, sharing your challenges. I am grateful for those relationships and trust. But when I called “BS” on their thinking, I jolted them into realizing they were creating their own chaos and could not see a better way.

In one case, I told the person that they are the CEO even though not in title. It was on them to act and behave that way because others needed their leadership.

In other case, the person was making course corrections in their career. They were pursuing the same line of work when I showed them it was not for them. They focused on the past playbook to deliver in the future. Instead I said to focus on what they’re amazing at and differentiating than the rest. Only then, will they achieve peace of mind in pursuit of purposeful work.

For those who don’t trust yourself or think they don’t need a partner, I wish you well living “Groundhog day”.

For those who are highly aware leaders knowing the old playbook doesn’t work, let’s talk.

I sincerely care about you and I want to see you succeed. Until then, I wish you well!

