by dcoviello1 | Dec 16, 2022 | Test
While most of you know me as Deb Coviello, The Drop In CEO, behind the curtain is a person that simply wants to spend more time with my family, friends and community. I love having the time to plan and prepare meal experiences that bring people together and create...
by dcoviello1 | Dec 8, 2022 | Test
How fixing a light bulb can solve world peace… or close to it! I don’t often talk about my husband Dan, but he’s the center of today’s story! He’s been my partner for over 33 years and while marriage is a challenge, we find a way to make...
by Kevin Clark | Dec 1, 2022 | Test
“Deb, do you have a minute?”, “Deb, can I ask you a question?”, “Deb, I’d like to bounce something off of you” are some of the things people are saying to me recently. When the universe speaks to me, it’s clearly a sign that more of you are having the same...
by dcoviello1 | Nov 25, 2022 | Test
As children, we are taught to say “Please” and “Thank you”, show kindness to those less fortunate, and lift up our hearts to a higher being to show our gratitude for the opportunity to create on this earth. While I enjoy gathering with family,...
by dcoviello1 | Nov 18, 2022 | Test
This past weekend, I had the honor of Skipping a team and we earned the title of “A” Event Runner up. Translation of this meant I was the Captain calling the shots and we came in 2nd out of 12 teams after a 3-1 record. In curling, the positions...
by dcoviello1 | Nov 18, 2022 | Test
I avoid conflict like the plague. I grew up as a child having to manage through psychologically unsafe environments from school, community, home and ultimately my work environment. And while I leveraged my superpower to maintain peace, build consensus to be...