You might actually wear the bruise with honor! So often we wait for recognition or feedback to know how we are doing in our career or personal pursuits. The key word is “wait” as if you’ll be struck by lightening and have clarity in your direction going forward. Those who wait for external validation are destined to be disappointed. For those that get kicked in the A@$, you have received a blessing and are better for it.

How many of you (show of hands) have had this happen to you; either kicked out of the nest or had your head handed to you and were blindsided? If you’re not raising your hand, you’re in a very small club of people who are missing out on the best thing that could have happened to you. Let me get to the point as I know you are very busy…

  • Enjoy your pity party because we have to grieve when we have lost something or we feel regret. Honor the feeling so it does not linger -Grieve It
  • Ask yourself why you were not prepared for what just happened and what could you have done differently-Reflect On It
  • If you did see it coming, why did you not act before becoming a casualty – Own It
  • If you felt it was out of your control, what now is in your control, you decide-Decide it
  • And once you Decide what you will own and take action on, how will you prevent yourself from falling into old patterns that lead you back to where you came from. Create the future you want-Create IT

So enough of the pep talk. This is not an easy process. Following the steps of Grief, Reflection, Owning, Deciding and Creating a new path forward is not just a political slogan, but an intentional choice in how you lead your life whether in your career or your external pursuits.

Getting your A@$ kicked is something that only once happens to CEO’s and C-Suite leaders because they learn from these opportunities. They seek support, new ways of thinking and are intentional about self management. Is this you? I may have the solution you need to manage through or preventing your next A@$ kicking!

Until then, be well-Deb
