by dcoviello1 | Aug 24, 2022 | Test
Okay, so now you think I’m off my rocker! After telling you in my numerous articles how feedback delivered in the context of what to continue, start or change is a positive framework, I tell you the absence of feedback is powerful. Well, even I can evolve my opinion...
by dcoviello1 | Aug 18, 2022 | Test
I’ll get to the point and if this resonates with you, I implore you to read on: Leaders need to STOP what they’re doing and confirm if they’re still on the the right trackLeaders need to assess their energy and if they’re dreading certain activities,...
by dcoviello1 | Aug 8, 2022 | Test
This story was originally written January 2019 when I had recently transitioned from corporate into running my own business. It’s a reflection of the beginning of me thinking differently and perhaps the genesis of my business many years prior. I do hope you...
by dcoviello1 | Aug 4, 2022 | Test
It pains me to realize that Authoritative Leadership still exists in corporate culture; I once experienced this and it absolutely suffocated my creativity. However, taking the high road, I am grateful for having the opportunity to feel it first hand and now share my...