As I came up on the 11th mile of the Indianapolis half marathon with little energy to continue, the skyline was in view and later pulled me over the finish line.

I had invested months of training to take on this challenge for the second time; to equal my first performance at the Long Brand Half Marathon of 3 hours and 13 minutes. As I crossed the finish line realizing I was able to pull out the energy I needed to complete the event, I reached my goal and finished in 3 hours and 13 minutes.

Have you ever felt off track at work; endless meetings, activities and reports and you can never find the time to pause and plan your day?

Have you ever wondered what it would look like to have a week without meetings and have time to simply think and write down your thoughts or put post-its up on the board and just start at words & concepts?

Do you feel exhausted and just wish you could have a good night’s sleep and have energy for your favorite activity? 

All of these things are possible if you set the intention to do so; investing in yourself will enable you to be a better leader.

We don’t often stop, but I can assure you that if you take the time to “fix” yourself, much of what you need to “fix” at work will fall into place and you can achieve peace of mind.

When a colleague at work asked if I could join a group to do a half marathon in Indianapolis I knew it was possible. I knew that I had to clear my calendar and set the intention to follow the training regiment that included incremental runs to get you to at least 11 miles of the 13 mile event.

Training is not easy, but given the right mindset, I have found anything is possible. It is the blend of brute force to get myself into the flow of running and then once there, staying on course until I’ve completed the training for that day.

The beauty of my love / hate relationship with running is once you get into flow, the mind can be free to drift, think and even reach moments of inspiration. It was during one of those moments that I came to the realization of how to get out of the turmoil I was in at work. The “framework of one” came to me. I would bring together my region of 8 plants to create “one team”, working in “one way” towards “one goal” to be #1 in all the regions. That inspiration enabled me to move my region from #4 to #2 in 18 months.

By investing in my body and mind, I was able to unleash moments of inspiration that would help me to get back on track to “peace of mind” , the true north of The CEO’s Compass; my book coming out later in 2021. 

But now back to you… have you ever taken the time to simply pause and reflect; engage in an activity that gives you joy or physical satisfaction and experienced a moment of “peace” or “inspiration”?

When we feel lost, investing in ourselves can be exactly what we need to return us to our fullest potential in leadership. 

The choice is yours. What will you do now to achieve Peace of Mind and reach your fullest leadership potential. If you need someone to talk to, a free call is all you might need!


Good Reads: 

Free PR by Cameron Herold

How to be your own PR firm or build internal capability. Cameron shares the best tips and tools to get started. Just finished this book and I cannot wait to get started. Great resources!

Good Music:

I will wait by Mumford & Sons

This is one of my songs on my playlist that is very uplifting and helps me when I’m running to press on 

Good People:

“Amy McDonald: How to Successfully Drop into Leadership Roles” We had an amazing interview and discussed never accepting the “status quo” and always having a plan “B”. 
