How will you connect with humanity, when physical touch is not possible??

We’re yearning for connection and the western standard of a handshake is no longer an option leaving many of us feeling unfulfilled.

But we can use them to pick up the phone, we can send an email and we can even express our emotions with our hands through video conference calls.

The best thing that has come from this restriction of our rights to physically connect is that we remember how resourceful we were to use our hands in other ways to connect with humanity.

How did you use your hands today to leave a lasting impact? ??

So instead I think about all the ways we’re connecting with each other and my wish is we don’t forget what we did out of a sense of urgency to maintain our rights for human connection when everything else is restricted.

When this passes, will we remember to jump on a “zoom” video vs. sending an email?

When we assumed habits of connecting by phone because we wanted to, but once this passes, will we forget those that sincerely enjoyed the more frequent connections?

When we finally met a neighbor after years of living in the same area because everyone is walking, will we forget and go back to our cave once we return to “normal”.

These times are trying, but also a symbol of how we have connected in new ways and we should maintain it for the sake of humanity.

Think about it… will you stay connected?

Be well-Deb
