The Demise of Leaders When They Persist In Using The Same Playbook
You know I'm talking to you; you're amazing at your leadership and have ascended the ranks and praised for your results. But now you're in chaos; maybe even crisis and you wonder what has changed? I'll tell you... the conditions, the unplanned for risks and even loss...

Infinity Days: Gifted Time and How to Create the Most of it!
Raise of hands, how may of you have waken up at 2:00, 3:00 or 4:00 am wide away give into the fact you're not going back to bed?! I call these "Infinity Days" and in essence creating the "25 hour" day. With my additional hours and clarity of mind, I cherish these days...

“CHASING RESULTS”…Sounds stressful, right?
It is! The State of Chaos within your organization often has a lot to do with misalignment of priorities: are you pursuing short term results or long term peace of mind? Meeting a deadline elicits high-fives around the room, but is your infrastructure sustainable?...