If you’re anything like me you had BIG ambitions for the new year. Now that we’re a few weeks in I’m starting to feel the weight of those ambitions and it’s getting uncomfortable. In fact, this is my new normal; being comfortable with being uncomfortable.
I’m writing a book as we speak, revising my website to clarify my offers, creating relationships that lead to business and also putting my health and well-being first. There is still a long list of things I’m not doing yet, and I haven’t found the skills or resources to help me. It worries me and sometimes keeps me up at night. However, being uncomfortable is what keeps you highly attuned to seeing the people in your network who can help you.
One example is monetization of my content that I put out for free. How do I curate it so my audience understands the value and the opportunity that lies behind the subscription? How do I share this opportunity in a way that is exciting and authentic? I’m trusting when the time is right, my guide will show up and we’ll get the work done. Getting comfortable with that trust is my new superpower, and it can be yours too.
What is one thing you are uncomfortable doing, but know if you do it, your path will be easier?
Starting a Podcast was uncomfortable, but I pushed the button and here we are almost 100 episodes later – check out The Drop in CEO Podcast!
I’m on the 4th round of building a website. It’s still not where I want it, but I trust that 80% is okay. Check out the website!
February of 2019, I posted my first video on Linkedin and was not sure if what I had to say mattered, but now I know it does!
Launching my FB page for Illumination Partners gets average traffic, but I still get comments from my community and that’s all that matters!
I’m still taking risks and I’m quite frankly unsure if I can get it all done, but one thing I know for sure… I believe in myself!
Have questions and don’t know where to get started? I offer a 30 minute free consultation... let’s talk!
-Deb Coviello