Partnering with C-Suite Leaders to Navigate Challenges with Confidence.

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Speaking, executive training, and collaborative workshops to elevate your team and optimize communication and performance.

Fractional Leadership & Crisis Management

On-the-job consulting, fractional leadership, and certification services for manufacturing organizations.

Get Back on Track

Are you ready to lead your team with confidence, empathy, and peace of mind?

The CEO’s Compass helps you systematically identify your team’s current blindspots and determine seven key areas you need to focus on to get back on track in days – not months.

Listen to the Podcast

The Drop In CEO podcast is filled with knowledge and insights from CEOs and entrepreneurial experts who have felt isolated, overwhelmed, and frustrated by the weight of leadership.

Listen to their stories and find out how they found their path back to success.

Question? Ask Deb

Have a question about leadership, coaching, or breaking into the C-Suite? Deb is available to answer your questions.


Simply click the button below and send Deb a message. She’ll get back to you as soon as she can. 

Imagine a life where your first instinct isn’t to check your email, expecting a crisis to greet you.

There are leaders who walk into the office on Monday morning and stop to ask their team how their weekend was, knowing they didn’t spend any time in the office.

There are employees who excitedly burst into offices filled with ideas on ways to improve their systems and serve their customers.

Imagine being part of a team that you understand their strengths so well you are able to assign them a task and trust it will be done efficiently and on schedule.

That “hustle” and “push” mentality has no place in a work environment where everyone is focused on a singular goal and knows their role in the outcome. 

There are workplaces that do not rest on the shoulders of their leaders.

Is yours one of them?

Why are you here?

A recent study showed that nearly 60% of leaders feel depleted at the end of the day.

Here are just a few reasons why leaders seek help outside of their organizations for performance and productivity challenges.

1. Education

I want to help create a generation of leaders who know how to utilize their team and ask for support.

2. Burnout Prevention

If you’ve ever experienced that restless exhaustion, you know why CEOs are among the most likely candidates for experiencing job frustration and burnout.

3. Mentorship

As a fellow high performer, I’ve accepted many leadership roles over the years only to fall into the same cycles of frustration, isolation, and overwhelm. For years I thought it was a skill problem, so I studied harder. I did more research. I worked longer hours. None of it helped.

4. Support

Leaders need more than strategy and skill. They need to trust the people around them and have the confidence to make decisions and follow through. 

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I'm Deb Coviello.

As the Drop In CEO I provide one-on-one coaching, consulting, and leadership training to manufacturing-based business leaders, helping to clarify your vision and empower your team to succeed.

I want to help you create custom solutions with the tools and people you have right now, for better results tomorrow.


“High performers are destined to get trapped by their own success and eventually fall adrift. The CEO’s Compass offers a framework to get back on course by an expert practitioner who has been there and done that time after time.”

Nick Smith

Director, Seven Hills Technology

“I am always honored to be invited to join Deb on her podcasts. She is one of the most enlightening and thought provoking individuals that I know!“

Lou Tutino

Executive Recruiter

“Deb Coviello exemplifies what is so desperately needed in these confusing and conflicted times: a splendid balance of professional experience, business acumen, and ethical courage.”

Yonason Goldson

Author of Grappling with the Gray and co-host of The Rabbi and the Shrink

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