Three Things CEOs Do to Make Their Year Successful

Three Things CEOs Do to Make Their Year Successful

As I looked around the table at the amazing talent I had assembled for learning about the North America Quality Group, I realized I had a BIG problem. They were all respected subject matter experts, but they lacked leadership and influence skills. Normally I would...
The Three Languages of Leadership

The Three Languages of Leadership

My family and I were vacationing in Nice, France three years ago. I had the responsibility of checking us into the hotel because I spoke French. As I listened intently to the check in process, I was a bit nervous to ensure I understood them as well as formulating a...
Three Ways Leaders Challenge the Status Quo

Three Ways Leaders Challenge the Status Quo

1970 Deb: Why is the Sky Blue?  Adult: Why do you ask so many questions? 1982 Deb: How will I use the Pythagorean Theorem in everyday life? Teacher: Can you see me after class, we have to get through this lesson! 2009 Deb: Shouldn’t this be our...
Three Things CEOs Do to Make Their Year Successful

Why Slowing Down Should Be Mandatory for Leadership

I was leaving a networking breakfast in February of 2019 and was racing to a dentist appointment when I was hit by a car. I and the other driver were fine, but talk about being shaken up for a few hours. The car was towed and later replaced. While I count my blessings...
Three Things CEOs Do to Make Their Year Successful

Three Ways to Improve Your Gratitude Networking

When was the last time you contacted a colleague and let them know how well a connection they made for you went? In a business environment so focused on the transactional aspect of networking, it’s easy to forget to nurture all of the relationships that produced...