During my time under the corporate umbrella, my creativity was stifled. Although I had fresh ideas, I was often overlooked for recognition and merely appreciated as a dependable resource within the organization. This didn’t work for me, and I started envisioning ways to revamp the organization and make it an attractive place to join, essentially launching a marketing campaign for my department. 

As I attempted to implement a regional strategy, it was met with resistance and failed to contribute to my professional growth, prompting me to realize that something was amiss. Through introspection and a quest for meaningful work, I realized that to break free and pursue my purpose, I had to venture out on my own, as I no longer belonged in my current environment where my innovative ideas fell on deaf ears.

Today, I wanted to share with you how leveling the playing field will help you be seen, heard, respected, and top of mind when it comes to proposals, changes, promotions, or critical conversations, avoiding that feeling of being unappreciated in the workplace.

Be a Proactive Proposer

The first thing your boss needs to hear from you is proposals for what needs to be changed, improved, shared, leveraged, or used. By speaking up and sharing your ideas, you’ll be seen as an idea person with strategic thinking.

Be a Problem Solver

The second thing is being a problem solver. Instead of creating more problems, provide solutions to the problems you see. Take charge and consult on an approach rather than waiting for leadership to fix the problem. By doing so, you’ll be seen as a leader and an equal to your boss.

Be Open to Feedback

If you follow this approach in an environment that values thought leadership, you will start to see signs that your ideas are valued and desired. However, not all bosses may be receptive, and if met with negativity or adversity, it is an opportunity to gather data and consider alternative directions.

If you’re in a leadership position, share this article with colleagues or team members who struggle with speaking up. I firmly believe that by helping others, we elevate the collective. I’m available for further discussions and look forward to hearing from you.

If you are aspiring to the C-Suite, and tired of the hustle, are you ready to change how you work and implement these tips? 

If you are a business owner or C-Suite leader, are you ready to invest in your people and help them be successful? Their success is your success! 

Now is the time for you to collect your thoughts and take action. I want you to succeed and this framework can enable you to do it yourself. 

However, if you need more help, I’m here for you as the Drop In CEO, CEO whisperer or as a sounding board. 

To hear more about my upcoming book, please tune into my podcast that is releasing this Friday 10/20/23. 

Would you rather have a quick 1-2-1 to discuss your specific challenge? Could The Drop In CEO be your support system? Direct Message me on LI or contact me by schedule a short call and let’s have a conversation. Until then, I wish you much success. 
