by dcoviello1 | Aug 1, 2021 | Test
As I came up on the 11th mile of the Indianapolis half marathon with little energy to continue, the skyline was in view and later pulled me over the finish line. I had invested months of training to take on this challenge for the second time; to equal my first...
by dcoviello1 | Aug 1, 2021 | Test
A recent client had asked if I could help them with a business issue. When I hung up the phone after being awarded the contract, I knew “what” to do, but I wasn’t sure “how” to do the work. There was a brief moment of uncertainty of needing to “Perform” and guide them...
by dcoviello1 | Aug 1, 2021 | Test
I was an exceptionally bright child with a gift for language and speaking; having been the star performer in our kindergarten play. But when it came for the teachers to add comments to the report cards… it would read the same year after year: “Debbie is an excellent...
by dcoviello1 | Jul 11, 2021 | Test
It was September 2020, one month after I suffered a broken ankle when I said to my physical therapist, “how am I ever going to curl again?” The location of the injury impeded my ability to flex my ankle to 180 degrees; a critical position for delivering a 42-pound...
by dcoviello1 | Jul 11, 2021 | Test
My team and I were sweating as we walked into a large conference room. Though we’d rehearsed our talking points, nothing could settle the sick feeling in our gut that we had failed our largest customer. We sat down, we thanked our customer, I made the opening comment...