If I had a dollar for every time my husband said I could do something and I said “I can’t do that,” I’d be a very rich person by now! Until I realized my mindset was the only thing standing in my way of my full potential, I lived a less than purposeful life. I can’t help but wonder how many millions of people l work with each day believing they are fulfilled and then wake up one day feeling that time is running out and what can they do to change things. 

If you’ve ever doubted your abilities or skills, today is the day all that can change for you.

When we are born, we yell loud for our basic needs to be met and get what we want … most of the time. As a child, we swing high to reach the sky without fear, we fall, we get hurt and we jump right up and do it again. We put our stake in the ground and say I’m going work in the police force or become an artist and then look back and wonder what could have been. I’ve found that somewhere along the way, we lose our confidence and settle into mindsets that hold us back. It’s up to us to become aware of that cycle and break it. A Forbes article shares that almost 90% of people have negative self talk. A daunting statistic we must overcome.

Get rid of the “n’t” in your vocabulary.

When we say I can’t, I won’t, I’ve never… we affirm the narrative that we are limited. When we change our language and say I can, I will, I’ll try… we move in the right direction. Try that one at home and if not yourself, see how often a colleague uses such language. You may be the one to short circuit the negative mindset that was adopted.

If you’ve been meaning to make a change in your career, but dwell in the problem state such as: “I can’t apply for that job because I don’t have the right experience,” I propose a different approach. Rather than stating a problem, reframe it as an opportunity. A good framework can be using the 5W’s: Who, What, Where, When and Why. Reframe the problem as an opportunity and you’ll start to shift your mindset.

Let’s try this: “I want a new role that leverages my leadership skills in a new industry by September 2022 because it will be fulfilling work and I’ll grow because of the change.”  Now this is a positive mindset even though you were concerned about your skills matching what someone else said is required. Starting from a place of opportunity will move you in the right direction. 

Use SMART statements.

There is one more piece to an opportunity statement and leverages an old favorite of mine – the SMART statement (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound). The reason why I like to leverage this in addition to the Opportunity Statement is because it adds the dimension of “Actionable.” You can have the best opportunity statement, but lack the actions needed to take control of your situation. Write down 3-5 steps you can take right now to take your opportunity statement forward. You’ll soon see what started out as a negative mindset holding you back has moved into an actionable opportunity that leverages your skills.

Sounds easy? It really is, but until you have a framework and someone to talk you through it (wink, wink!), it can be hard to get started. I see so much talent in the world such as yourself and I see it wasted because you’ve not been given the support you need to evolve a positive mindset. It is my mission to help you and those that may be holding themselves back. 

If you’ve come to the end of this article and you understand because you have a positive mindset, I do appreciate you staying with me to the end. However, if you know someone who could use that support in your network, I’d love to connect with you so we can help the next aspiring C-Suite Leader.  Until then, I wish you continued success. 

For more information about C-Suite Academy (CSA) dedicated to the aspiring C-Suite leader, simply register to get on the waitlistemail me or connect with me for a quick chat. I can’t wait to help you be successful and reach your goals!

For more resources, you can listen to The Drop In CEO Podcast or check out my book The CEO’s Compass will help you get on track in days not months.

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Good Reads

Drive Your Career: 9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success by Ed Evarts and past podcast guest on Episode 51 writes about taking control of your career. He assumes a positive mindset and applies tactical skills to navigate to success. A must read and a great person. You should connect with him!

Good Music

“Beyond the Bounds of Joy” by Sound Adventures – I’m feeling rather optimistic today after a few ups and downs. It’s a slow, uplifting song that breathes seasons of possibilities. If you’re feeling unsure as you try new skills, this may put you in a positive mindset. 

Good Advice

Sometimes my podcast guests have such a strong sense of self and a positive mindset, you can’t help but feel uplifted from knowing them. This was a great quote from our recent interview. 

“One of the most important lessons as a leader is letting go. We spend so much time trying to collect power, but knowing when to let go is the best way to lead.”

–Tony Martignetti
