There’s More to Leadership Than Results, Here’s Why

There’s More to Leadership Than Results, Here’s Why

The internet landscape is flooded with content on leadership overwhelm and burnout. While we can blame the systems, a lack of skills or work/life balance to avoid burnout, we need to look deeper at the root causes where society has fallen very short. Leaders think...
3 Questions for Leaders Facing Burnout

3 Questions for Leaders Facing Burnout

Waking up in the morning with my mind going faster than I can write my to do’s on my list is a bad sign. My checklist is full of things like networking, blog writing, cold outreaches to potential clients, prepping for an interview, prepping for this week, prepping for...
The Aftermath of The Road Less Traveled

The Aftermath of The Road Less Traveled

If I had a dime for every time I took the road most traveled, I wouldn’t have enough for a cup of coffee. Call it stubborn (as my mother would say) or simply leading with the childlike curiosity of asking “why,” my life is rich by traveling the road less...