by dcoviello1 | May 13, 2022 | Test
A special message from Deb to you-Listen Now We were having challenges getting the organization to the root cause of an issue. Something was missing and we were seeking the missing link. One day my employee said “Deb, do you have a minute?” and showed me a whiteboard....
by dcoviello1 | May 6, 2022 | Test
Had I followed the advice of my high school guidance counselor to go to a local community college, I would not be writing this article to you now. I was seen as average and had I accepted that narrative, my destiny would have been sealed; at least for a while. This...
by dcoviello1 | Apr 29, 2022 | Test
Rushing to my daughters Lacrosse game, I had just finished a conference call. I looked to find my husband and once seated proceeded to check my email. Three years ago, this was a common way of life for me. I hustled to get ahead and while that is necessary as you move...
by dcoviello1 | Apr 22, 2022 | Test
I raised my hand and said “I’ll go,” as troubles were brewing in another plant. “I’d love to see if I could help out.” While I was satisfied with my work as an Operational Excellences expert, I knew I had more to offer and wanted to ultimately get a...
by dcoviello1 | Apr 20, 2022 | Test
“I’m sorry, but we have to dismiss you.” I looked across the table at the employee I was letting go saw their face fall. They replied, “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” I dreaded that moment and felt unprepared for the conversation. As...
by dcoviello1 | Apr 7, 2022 | Test
You have an outstanding resume. You land multiple interviews. And yet somehow, the offers just don’t come through. You’re celebrated as the subject matter expert, but when a new job opens up at work, you’re not even considered. You’re not alone. This...