How Consuming Too Much Content Kills Creativity

How Consuming Too Much Content Kills Creativity

Inspired by my recent podcast interview with Michael P. Bourque who guest hosted for me, he posed the question about how do I disconnect from my work. I shared with him moments in time where I had to stop consuming so much information such as the Media, Books and...
How Career Transitions Become The Best Time of Your Life

How Career Transitions Become The Best Time of Your Life

Recently, I’ve me with three people in my network who are at a cross roads in their career. The themes are very similar for which I think there is great value in sharing them with you. While for most, it feels like the end of a chapter, I’d like to propose...
Gone curling…life lessons for leaders

Gone curling…life lessons for leaders

After a 3-0 record this weekend at the Black Swamp Curling Club in Bowling Green Ohio, we had arrived at the A Event Finals; now to fight the battle for 1st place! Did we win? I’ll leave that for the end of the article. The process of getting to this winners...
Leadership Trends that Will Destabilize Organizations

Leadership Trends that Will Destabilize Organizations

Food Recalls, FAA Investigations, Layoff Fails, Lack of Transparency and others Corporate Debacles can usually be avoided with better risk management and a positive organization culture. Yet bad press in the news is growing and I am clearly seeing what is going wrong...
Self Doubt: A Leadership tool to tune into your value

Self Doubt: A Leadership tool to tune into your value

These past few weeks, while walking Gabbi, I chose not to listen to any music or podcast so I could tune into my thoughts and find answers. I have done great work while being in my own business, but sustainability evades me and wondering if I should continue or...
Positivity and Inspiration Marketing; the next big thing!

Positivity and Inspiration Marketing; the next big thing!

Which sells better; marketing scare tactics or positivity and inspiration?🤔 Given the toxic nature of society and everyone needs to be cured by a pill or 60 day program, I’m almost immune to these marketing / influence tactics. Yes, people are more likely to buy...