Help Your Aspiring Leaders Message Big Ideas

Help Your Aspiring Leaders Message Big Ideas

A special message from Deb to you-Listen Now We were having challenges getting the organization to the root cause of an issue. Something was missing and we were seeking the missing link. One day my employee said “Deb, do you have a minute?” and showed me a whiteboard....
Positivity and Inspiration Marketing; the next big thing!

Positivity and Inspiration Marketing; the next big thing!

Which sells better; marketing scare tactics or positivity and inspiration?🤔 Given the toxic nature of society and everyone needs to be cured by a pill or 60 day program, I’m almost immune to these marketing / influence tactics. Yes, people are more likely to buy...
Is it Time to Empty Your Silos?

Is it Time to Empty Your Silos?

A video message from Deb (and Reagan) about Silos, Watch now  When President Reagan said in 1987 “Tear down this wall” it made all the sense in the world. Let communities interact with each other towards a cause greater than our own. And then there is John...
How Consuming Too Much Content Kills Creativity

How Consuming Too Much Content Kills Creativity

Inspired by my recent podcast interview with Michael P. Bourque who guest hosted for me, he posed the question about how do I disconnect from my work. I shared with him moments in time where I had to stop consuming so much information such as the Media, Books and...