by dcoviello1 | Jul 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
This week I had the good fortune of traveling to a client to help on-board new talent as well as accelerate a strategic Quality Initiative and I’ve gained some amazing insights. One professional was ready for my visit and full of questions, taking copious notes...
by dcoviello1 | Jul 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
As a Thought Leader who communicates discipline and accountability; quite frankly I’m embarrassed. My love for writing started out as a daily ritual when I started my business, then it went to once a week and now I don’t make time to post my own thoughts....
by dcoviello1 | May 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
You’re a talented young professional who up until this point was a high performer and moving through the organization like a superstar. Then this happens; it all stops. You’re frustrated with what worked in the past no longer works now. You find the people...
by dcoviello1 | May 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
When you adjust the lens through which you see yourself, others and the collective team, everything comes into focus and your career will move forward. Now that doesn’t mean you need to get a new eyeglass prescription, but it does require you to look at things...
by dcoviello1 | May 10, 2020 | Article
How to build a business based on delivering a lasting impact. I never went to school to learn business, but the journey of creating a business for the last 16 months has taught me important lessons about creating a lasting impact with clients. The most important...